So you’ve seen the content, but you’re curious who the staff is? Hopefully the following answers all your intimate and burning questions.
Jon Davis — Owner/Operator/Writer — @[email protected]
Jon is a professional Security & Technology Leader. He’s been at various companies from 6 employees to 500, building and leading their technology groups. His writing here at covers the gamut from personal reflections to reviews of the latest tech toys, and occasionally some coding.
John — Editor-in-Chief/Writer — @Snhoj
John would be quite upset if Jon attempted to write his bio, so of course Jon did it anyways. John is a versatile software developer who’s work covers the full stack. Additionally he spends a great deal of time in databases with the power to make MySQL do tricks most people wouldn’t even believe is possible. His primary role at Snowulf is to maintain the quality of writing our loyal readers have come to expect, as such he’s the Editor-in-Chief with sole power to publish content. In his occasional free time (or to cover for Jon) he writes entries that cover the spectrum of reviews to technical how tos.
Josh is a coder and gamer at heart. He’d just as soon to writing back end code for Minecraft as he would play the game itself. He currently works in the hot fad known as DevOps, but also has experience working in the more “real” IT departments. His content is sparse at current, but he plans to cover all things coding and software.