I’ve been making changes once again to the blog. First and foremost is that I’ve truncated the main page from 15 entries to 5. Realistically I don’t think anyone cares much for more than the top 3. As my current plan is to post once a day, every weekday — 5 entries on the front page make for the entire week. I think thats a good number.
Second is a few plugin changes. First I added weather to the right bar. To be correct its actually been 2 different plugins. First was an actually S9Y plugin for weather which did a shitty job, so I replaced it with an HTML Nugget from Wunderground. Second is a Wikipedia lookup tool. Basically, you highlight any word or phrase on the blog, and click the WP logo and it will pop a new window w/ the search on WP. Simple enough.
I may also end up removing the feeders on the right because the blogs are either too slow to respond (Sparta…) or useless (Goupil) or never updated (GunCast). So sad. So many RSS feeds and never anything good.