So the first major problem I’ve found is that I can’t get MKV’s to run. Well, more correctly the MKV (high def) video files stutter very badly. I’ve google’d around and I can only find one real “answer” and that is that the CPU isn’t fast enough. This is crap of course because MKV’s played just fine under windows. Additionally I pop open the system monitor and while one CPU does max out a good portion of the time — the other core does not get run up at all. For true video lag that one CPU would have to max and stay maxed for me to buy it. I’ve read some other (very technical) answers about how Linux & windows render things differently — causing the problem. I don’t fully understand it — but it is still… Stupid.
I’ve tried all the common fixes, like using a different player. It doesn’t matter if I use Xine, Totem, VLC or Kaffeine — they all run poorly. A couple of the players wont even play the file — which of course doesn’t make sense because the video is just fine. I end up having to watch my MKV’s on the windows desktop I have running. I realize it isn’t the end of the world — but it kinda sucks.