This review is about the film, rather than the comic.
This review will be spoiler free, so if you haven’t watched the film feel free to read on without worry.
After the just utter fail of the last one, I was pleasantly surprised that within the first 10 minutes of this film the Punisher’s body count surpassed that of the entirety of the previous flick.
The film’s antagonist is Jigsaw; movie does a quick origin bit that shows him as pretty boy Billy “The Beaut” Russo for a little bit before he gets his face all messed up. As part of the face destruction scene, the Punisher shoots an undercover FBI agent, though he doesn’t know this at the time. When he realizes this, he has to do the usual soul searching that any hero (or anti-hero) has to do when he realizes he has hurt/killed one of the good guys.
His quest eventually prevails (c’mon, how lame of a movie would it be where the protagonist just hangs up his spurs for good mid-movie?) and several more bodies are stacked up.
There was, at least in my mind, a decent sized plot hole towards the end where a group of Russians are assaulting the same building as Frank and they don’t have any sort of meeting. Seemed very strange as the Russians were there for a very specific reason, and obviously had not achieved their goal.
My favorite part of the film went a little something like this:
FBI to criminal: You have the right to remain silent *BLAM*
Punisher shotguns criminal in the face
FBI: Dammit Castle!
In summary, worth a watch, but definitely a rent rather than a buy.