Got a credit card? Chances are it has some sort of reward system. Mine is a point a dollar sort of deal with the occasional multipoint opportunities from certain merchants, which tends to be standard.
I was perusing my rewards yesterday and noticed some incongruities. In general 100 Reward Points equates to $1, for example a $100 Amazon Gift Card for 10,000 points. As I moved toward the higher end awards, I found a few odd things:
An Xbox 360 Pro Bundle for 82,250 points. Using the formula I mentioned previously this equates to $822.50. So you could spend 40,000 points for 4 $100 Amazon Gift Certificates and have a little bit of cash left over, or you could spend more than twice the amount…
The oddness doesn’t end there, for instance they also have the 120 GB iPod Classic for 45k points — Amazon says $224.95. And an 8 GB iPod Touch for 30k points while Amazon says $212.94.
They weren’t all crappy deals, in fact I did see one nice one: an “Unrestricted Round Trip Ticket, Any Class, Any Destination (Max Value $325)” for 25k points. Of course there were no details on the page and you actually have to call them to book it, but even with all that it seems like a fairly decent deal.
And of course to be topical I’ll mention one last reward:
Chase Mortgage Bucks — trade in 15k points and they will put $150 towards your next mortgage Payment.
Anyone else seen any rewards (good or bad) worth mentioning?
Lastly, I just finished watching The Rocker. Very enjoyable little flick, couple of great lines including:
Loads of bands use drum loops.
Loads of elevators use Celine Dion music, doesn’t make it right.