Continuing our series from last week, we’re going to package up the Wemos D1 Mini and the BME280 Environmental sensor on a perfboard, with batteries. Or at least that was the plan until we ran into a software bug… which could have been fixed. Until… well, watch the video and count how many ways this project didn’t go according to plan. If you agree that #LearningIsEducation please leave a like or subscribe!
Links & Commands
- Unable to flash firmware (“Failed to connect”) on Wemos D1 with D0/RST soldiered — Esptools Bug #277
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- Check out the new Instagram account for behind the scenes
This week is very light on the commands and links as burning PCB’s doesn’t require that much code. However I’ll put this out there just one more time… Remember to test your new work on a breadboard first … rather than after you’ve soldered it all down to a perfboard.