FanimeCon 2013
As I mentioned previously, I attended FanimeCon 2013. Last year, Jon mentioned the long (2 hours and 45 minutes) wait for badges. This year’s line made me think fondly of last year’s line.
To anticipate and prevent
As I mentioned previously, I attended FanimeCon 2013. Last year, Jon mentioned the long (2 hours and 45 minutes) wait for badges. This year’s line made me think fondly of last year’s line.
Fanime! started today, and I am currently en route to San Jose for that very reason. As previously reported, Jon went in 2009, convinced me to join him 2010 (to which we did a five part followup), abandoned me for 2011, and all of team snowulf went last year (as covered by Jon and John)….
Jon and I have been playing Guild Wars 2 for quite awhile. He’s a Human Ranger, while I’m an Asuran Elementalist. We are both enjoying the game (especially the level scaling so that we can party together successfully, even when we are a few levels apart) and looking forward to its recently announced first major…
This past weekend in Las Vegas saw the yearly formation of a hacker mecca, namely Defcon. Since Fred told me about his Defcon trip a couple years ago, I’ve really wanted to go. I don’t consider myself a hacker, though what they talk about does fascinate me… and affect me professionally. I was lucky enough…
Yeah, I know, it’s the Fourth of July. Typically one calls today Independence Day (great movie Bee Tea Dub, rumored to have sequels in the works — yes plural). There are a lot of events going on today. Parades, BBQs, crazy summer hijinx… but really the highlight of the day is the Fireworks. When I…
Jon decided I should review Monday at Fanime since I am the only one (of snowulf fame) that attended Monday. Let’s see… Monday was useful this year in that I got to watch Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood: The Sacred Star of Milos, which I had been wanting to see. Other than that, it went just like…