Well I never got to writing about it, even though I wanted to. Maker Faire. It took place May 3rd & 4th in San Mateo, CA. It was really cool, though I didn’t get to see a lot of it. I was volunteering for those fun folks at the Wikimedia Foundation (For those that don’t know, that’s the non-profit that keeps Wikipedia running). Saturday I showed up around noon to find out what a nightmare traffic and parking was. Sunday I got smart and went around, and showed up early. As mentioned previously, I spent most of my time at the booth. What I did see of the Faire was a lot of people building cool stuff, DIY, crafts, burning man, steampunk, electronics and tons of robots. If you want to take a photo tour, you can check out the Maker Faire 2008 category on Commons. I uploaded about 300 pictures, I tried to take a picture of most every booth.
If you are in the area next year (or later this year in Austin), I recommend you check it out! You’ll have a lot of fun if you are at all interested in anything I mentioned previously. I’d recommend showing up early — oh and buy tickets ahead of time. The ticket line was KILLER long, but there was almost no one at will call.