DivX 6 is out, as everyone on the net knows about. I thought it was preety nifty, and all the test I saw looked good. Recently I have been coverting some of my DVD’s to HD (mainly Anime). I had a VOB file laying around from the last batch so I gave the DivX Converter a try. Before I was using AutoGK, which is nice, but sometimes it can take a while — On average one 25minute anime episode would take 1.2 — 2.5 hours to convert to a 350meg file. When I ran the conversion took from DivX it spat out a 400meg BEAUTIFUL file in less than an hour. They also built in a queue system which is really smart and very handy.
A few down bits is the fact that you only have the option for 700meg output and a 2000meg output (so how did I get 400? I dunno). It also seems have come out on the queit side, I bumped up my machines sound all the way — and I still felt the video was queit (in a queit enviroment). I dont want to have to hook up external speakers to my laptop just to listen to a video.
Also — To get the VOB converted (which used AC3 suround sound) I needed AC3 Filter — Even though I already had it from the GK Codec Pack (for some reason from the pack doesnt work).