I needed to talk to AT&T today about getting a phone number moved from one account to another. Now calling the telecom’s is never “fun” but generally AT&T is good to me since I’m dealing with business accounts. Today, was hilarious. I just spent 45 minutes on the phone, which seems counter-intuitive to the “hilarious” statement, but let me explain.
I called up AT&T “Customer Care”, who told me to call AT&T National Business Ordering. I called NBO and somehow ended up in Customer Care again. The rep was kind enough to put me on hold, while they went to get someone from the department I needed. The CS Rep ended up in Customer Care too. They said they were still trying to figure out what was going on, and put me on hold. They repeatedly checked on me, but otherwise were trying to figure out WTF was going on and why even they couldn’t get through. End all be all? Something’s gone wrong in the phone system, and a ticket has been filed because of me (oh, how I do love to cause trouble). Not even AT&T can get through AT&T’s phone systems. ::snicker::
You’ve got to love the phone company having phone issues. I must say, the rep was extremely kind and really did try. It wasn’t their fault the system was broken. Hopefully, they will call me back by the end of the day with news… But you’d think the “service transfer” department would think “hmm, it is awfully quiet today”. Oh well. Moral of the story today?
404 — Department Not Found!