These days, traveling is really quite easy. Sure security is a bit of a hassle, but once you get through that, you generally have access to a plethora of food/snack options and possibly more importantly (especially for business travelers/techies), free WiFi.
I started flying more often when I moved out to Tahoe (family is in another part of the country) and initially,
IF there was WiFi it was more expensive than what Starbucks charged at the time. Yes, this was back in the day of every Starbucks being a T-Mobile hotspot (which was followed by the days of it being an AT&T hotspot). This meant that you only paid for the WiFi if you really needed it (or would be getting reimbursed by your company).
I can’t recall the last time I paid for WiFi in an airport. These days it is always free. Same thing with Starbucks. It used to be free just for AT&T DSL customers, but then they switched to free for everyone. If fact, I’m much more surprised when I come upon a location that DOES require payment to use WiFi (as I noted when reviewing Fanime).