As everyone knows, today is IPv6 Launch Day, where we (the internet) are supposed to turn on (and leave on) IPv6. It saddens me that I am unable to participate in this launch day by turning on IPv6… because We’ve been natively v6 accessible since June 2011. Even before that, Snowulf & company were accessible via an IPv6 tunnel provided by HE.net.
Of course, there is one issue. I use
Amazon Cloudfront for CDN… and Amazon has been slacking off when it comes to IPv6 support. A few of their products (like Route 53 and Elastic Load Balancer) support v6, but the important products (like EC2, S3, and CloudFront) do not. I was hoping by launch day they’d have gotten around to it, but it looks like my hopes and dreams have been dashed once again. At least dual-stack will get you somewhere.

I did look up stats really quick. Last week (May 27 to June 3) Snowulf.com had only 0.39% of its page hits come from IPv6. I will check again next week and see if that improves at all after launch day. I had also hoped we’d have gotten farther with IPv6 to the clients by now, but alas, no such luck.