Recently, I was looking back into the Snowulf blog history books and noticed a date of importance was coming up. The title of this blog post should give it away but Snowulf’s introductory post, titled “Nift New Toys & New Domains“, was posted on this day… NINE years ago. Just this Christmas holiday I was talking to someone about how I’d been blogging for “6 or so years”. When I did the math and realized that six years was actually nine, damn how time flies.
Originally I had posted the blog on ShakataGaNai.com but decided to use a shorter name from another project, and hence
Snowulf.com was born (2005-01-24). Over the course of the last nine years I’ve covered a wide selection of topics. Picked up some projects and dropped others. We’ve moved servers a couple of times, migrated to new blog software and even added a semi-regular author in the form of John.
Some of the times we/I’ve been posting 5 times a week, and sometimes we’ve been on hiatus for months at a time. With all that said and done, we’ve published over 1100 entries in these 9 years, which works out to an average of more than 10 entries a month. That isn’t half bad in my book, especially considering when I started this “book” my English SUCKED. Fortunately you, the reader, won’t have noticed how far my English skills have come in the last few years thanks to John’s judicious copy editing (though my writing in general should be a bit better by simple comparison of any early pre-John post).
Here’s to another year on the blog. We’ll circle back at this time next year and really throw a helluva party!