Sometime in the last year, the UNR anime club decided that instead of having their annual Halloween party, they would have a con instead. This year will be the first (hopefully), annual SNAFU Con! SNAFU stands for Sierra Nevada Anime Fans Unite (it also stands for something else, but that’s a highly technical military term and not applicable to this discussion).
Pre-registration has already closed, but early registration (for $35) is available until Wednesday October 20, after that you may just have to buy your badge at the door. The event will be held at the
GSR (Grand Sierra Resort) in Reno, NV on Friday October 22 (starting around noon) and all day Saturday October 23. There will be vendors as well as an artist alley. Of course there will also be special guests! If you ever watched Power Rangers when you were a kid, then you might just be pleased to note that Lord ZeddRobert Axelrod will be there (and he has been in way more than just Power Rangers, but come on, if you watched that show as a kid, you will want to meet the voice of Lord Zedd).
If you are an anime fan in the Reno-Carson City-Lake Tahoe area I’d highly recommend you check it out.